Assignment Descriptions (View All)

Final Presentation and Paper

Prepare a polished, 20 minute presentation that demonstrates your system and highlights its (contribution to) computational creativity (and possibly more generally to computer science as well). The presentation should include a significant demonstration component (not necessarily live, though that would be awesome) and should be fun, informative and interesting to a broad audience.

Turn in a paper describing your work that is well-written and professionally presented as if you were going to submit it for publication. Use the ICCC style (templates available here) and stick to ICCC conference page limits (8 pages). The paper should tell a compelling story and place your work in the context of the (applicable) field(s) (~1 page), succinctly and accurately explain your approach (~2-3 pages), provide results and analysis (~2-3 pages) and discuss implications, contributions and future work (~1 page). It is very possible that you will find it challenging to accomplish all of this in 8 pages; however, that is what you must do (and the act of doing so will likely result in a better presentation of your work).