Homework CS 252 - Winter 1998
Prof. Tony Martinez

Section(s) Assignment (page:number)
1.1-1.2 27:1,3, 36:1
1.2-1.3 36:3  42:1,5  68:11, 12, 20
1.4 49:2,4  68:13
1.5 55:1,2,3,4,5 
1.6 66:1-5  68:16a,c (do 16b for a challenge and grading kindness)
2.1 80:1,2,3  132:23b, 29 
2.2 99:2  132:10, 20, 28 
2.3 111:1,2,4 132: 3 (c requires extended lemma), 4, 18
2.4 118:2,3,4 
2.5 130:1,2 132:1 
3.1 144:1,2,3 
3.2 153:1,2,4  193:1
3.3 167:1,2  193:5
3.4 175:1 (lots, list efficiently),3,4 (typo: last transition should be Y/L) 194:18
3.4-3.5 190:1,2, 193:21
3.5 190:3,4  193:22,33
4.1 205:1,2  235:1,2,4
4.2 212:2,3,4,5 (see appendix B for shortcuts)
4.3 226:1,2  235:6,13 (Don't worry about exact Pascal Syntax) 
4.4 233:1,2,3  235:15 
5.1-5.2 243:1,2  250:3 
5.2-5.3 258:3,4  284:17,18
5.4 269:1,2  285:20,27
5.4-5.5 Get started
5.5 282:1,2,3  284:28,31 (Hint: Think about the proof of Th. 5.2)