CS 678 – Winter 2019 Model of your Choice Presentations Schedule


Each talk is 12 minutes followed by 2-3 minutes for questions

A hardcopy version of your write-up is due at the beginning of class on the day that you present!


March 7
Danny Allen and Mike Whitney - Generative Reversible Networks
Piper Armstrong, Fearn Wilson and Michael Richards - Word Representation in Vector Space
Brandon Bingham and Brian James - Cellular Learning Automata
Conner Christopherson and Yajing Zhao - Capsule Networks
Stephen Cowley and DJ Passey - Evolving Neural Network Topologies

March 12
Michael DeBuse, Jacob Kullberg and Humphrey Leung - AntCluster
Jack Demke, Chandra Goodell and Robert Morain - Music Generation with Markov Models
Garret Lingard and David Van Komen - YOLO: Fast CNN
Evan Peterson and Tim Whiting - Bidirectional Recurrent Networks