CS 312 – Algorithm
Syllabus Fall 2015
Sec. 1 TuTh 9:30-10:45am, 130 MARB
Sec. 2 TuTh 1:35-2:50pm, B101 JFSB
Professor: Tony Martinez, 3336 TMCB, 422-6464, http://axon.cs.byu.edu/~martinez
martinez at cs dot byu dot edu, Office Hours: by appointment
Course website: http://axon.cs.byu.edu/~martinez/classes/312/
TAs: Michael Walker, Steven Barnett, Erik Swenson, E-mail: byucs312ta@gmail.com
Office hours: 1156
Michael: M 8:00am-11:00am, TuTh
12:00-1:30pm, 4:30pm-6:00pm, WF 2:30pm-5:30pm
Steven: MWF 11:00am-2:00pm
Erik: WF 9:00am-11:00am, TuTh 6:00pm-8:00pm
Goals: Analysis of algorithms from both a
practical (programming) and theoretical (mathematical) point of view. Understanding of algorithm efficiency in
terms of both time and space. Gain
understanding and proficiency with fundamental algorithmic paradigms that are
critical in efficient programming.
These include Divide and Conquer, Greedy, Graph Algorithms, Dynamic
Programming, Linear Programming, Intelligent Search, Local Search, and
Probabilistic Programming. A side
goal is to have an experience with Visual Studio and the C# programming
Prerequisites: CS 240, CS 252
Text: The textbook
for the class is Algorithms
by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, and Vazirani.
There will also be a few supplemental handouts available from the schedule
page. You are expected to read the
assigned literature before and optionally after the scheduled
lecture. To help encourage quality reading, I will pass around a sheet each day
for you to mark whether you have done a complete and careful reading, a partial
reading, or no reading. A complete and careful reading counts for 2
points, partial gets 1 point, and none receives 0 points. Each day you
will mark if you have done the reading for the lecture to be given that
day. The grading will be non-linear such that missing one or two readings
does not hurt much, but it picks up fast after that.
Programming Projects: There
will be 5 individual programming projects throughout the semester and one final
group project. For each project,
you will solve a concrete problem by implementing an algorithm in such a way as
to meet a conservative performance requirement. A reasonable implementation
will sail through the performance requirement. You will prepare a typed report
electronically according to the guidelines for each project. You will answer
questions posed in the project guidelines and usually report the results of an
empirical analysis of your algorithm. All project reports should include a copy
of your documented source code and a screenshot demonstrating the working
algorithm. Submission: All project
reports should be submitted in PDF format via e-mail to the TAs on or before
the published due date, except the group project which is due as a hardcopy at
the beginning of class on the day you present your group project.
All projects will be done in
C# using visual studio. This
software is installed in all open lab machines and you can also download the
full visual studio for free since you are a BYU student. Also, anyone can
download visual C# express which takes much less space and has everything you
will need for the projects. Follow
this link for more information on installing and using C# and visual
WB Problem-solving (WB): You are developing as a problem solver. In this
class, you are also learning the importance of solving a problem and analyzing the
solution before you start writing code. For each project, you are required to
step up to a WB after reading the project instructions but before writing any
code. In medical school, they use the learning pattern Òlearn one, do one,
teach one.Ó Class lectures and reading help with the learning; the homework
provides opportunities to actually solve similar problems; and the WB
experience is your opportunity to teach/explain the idea.
Use the WB to walk through
the solution with a one-person technical audience. The best person for your
audience would be a CS 312 classmate. Other possibilities could be another CS
major or another technical person with an eye for detail. Make sure you sketch
out and understand how to represent a problem instance (both inputs and
outputs) and how to map from inputs to outputs (your algorithm). Simulate
simple examples and a non-trivial example or two with your marker. Think out
loud. Listen to your audience as he or she poses questions or identifies
potential complications. In short, make sure you understand what you are going
to do before you write a stitch of code. If two students reciprocate for one
another, then each person should take a turn as presenter and as audience
member / question asker. There are whiteboards all over campus. In particular,
many of the study rooms in the Lee Library have WBs, and there are WB markers
that can be checked out at the reference desks in each section of the library.
For each WB experience,
prepare a simple one-page PDF format report including your name and the project
number. Also include a photo of your ÒWB experienceÓ with you standing next to
your WB designs. The photo is a required element of your WB experience report.
Include a caption with the photo listing the elements to be found in the
picture on the board. Submit via e-mail to the TAs. Late WB experiences are not accepted,
but if you are late you should go through the process anyhow before writing
code. Each project's WB experience has a submission deadline on the course
schedule about a week and a half before the project report submission due date
(except for the first project), but I encourage you to finish the WB
experience as early as possible.
To recap: the purpose is to get
the concept of a working solution out in front of yourself and one other
thoughtful person. If you donÕt have a solution that appears to work and hold
up to scrutiny, then your WB experience is not complete. DonÕt code without
clear thinking upfront.
Regular homework assignments are posted on the schedule. Changes to the existing homework
schedule are inevitable and will be announced in class and posted to the
schedule. Homework will help
solidify concepts learned during the lecture and from the required
reading. Often the homework will
help you prepare to succeed on your projects as well. A reasonable attempt, even though incorrect,
at a homework will earn at least half credit. ÒReasonableÓ means that you show your
work and justify your answers. For
both homework and exams, you should show your work and approach as to how you
got the answer, since making sure you understand the techniques being taught to
solve the problems, is as important as just getting the right answer. Unless you are having fun, do not spend
more than two hours on a non-project homework assignment. Homework assignments are due on paper at
the beginning of class on the due date specified on the schedule. Keys for the homework will be published
on BYUÕs learning suite the afternoon of their due date.
Exams: There will be one mid-term and a final
exam. The mid-term will be in the
testing center and the final will be in class at the university appointed time. Both tests will be closed book. For each exam, you may bring one page of
notes (single sided and with a font no smaller than Times 12). You will hand in your note sheet with
the tests.
together: You are encouraged to work together on
studying for exams and discussing lectures and homework assignments. You may also discuss together ways to do
your programming projects and compare results, etc. However, you must do your own work when it comes to final solving and writing
homework answers and coding for your projects. If you work closely with one or more
students on a project or homework, list the names of those students on the
project or homework. We will set up
a discussion group on BYU Digital Dialogue or Google groups for this class that
you can join if you would like. You
can use this group to post questions and have discussion with your
classmates. The TAs will also
monitor this group and answer questions that come up. This is a good place to post and ask
about performance results so you can see if your solution is in the
Òballpark.Ó This is also a good
place to discuss high level algorithmic issues and also issues such as how to
link into certain libraries, etc.
Remember, that actual algorithmic code or pseudo code should not be
published on this group.
Grading (~): The first project is simpler and will be
given less weight than the others. You can see most of your grades on BYU
learning suite to make sure your assignment was graded, but ignore any grade
scales given there as they are not correct. The grade scales are below but I reserve
the right to adjust slightly based on circumstances. The grade scale is based on the sum of
all your grades.
Homework |
14% |
Projects |
40% |
Reading |
5% |
Mid-term |
20% |
Final |
21% |
90-100 |
A |
86-90 |
A- |
83-86 |
B+ |
80-83 |
B |
76-80 |
B- |
73-76 |
C+ |
71-73 |
C |
68-71 |
C- |
assignments: Homework assignments are not accepted
late, as they are meant to keep you up to speed on lectures, and also because we
will immediately post answer keys after the homework is due. For the five individual projects, you
will be allotted a total of 4 late days throughout the semester (hopefully, you
will not need any of them). As an
incentive, 1 extra point (out of 100, and up to a maximum of 4 points) will be
allotted for each day (excluding Sunday) you turn in a project earlier than the
due date (this does not include the WB experience). If/after you use up your 4 day allotment,
late projects will be marked off at 5%/day late (excluding Sundays) up to a
maximum of 50% off. Each late day
ends at midnight. Finally, if you
have any extremely unusual circumstances (sickness or issue very unique from
what all the other students have, etc.), which you inform us of, then we will
not take off any late points for homework or projects (This should be
rare). Nothing can be accepted
after the last day of class instruction.
Readings, Projects, and Homework Schedule: