Submit a new publication to the list

Return to the list of publications


1a. Please select your manuscript. (Typically, this is a .PDF or .PS file.) Note that your file must have a unique name. Please use the convention of naming your file with your last name, followed by the year, followed by the initials of the venue, followed by a number (if you have multiple pubs at that venue that year), followed by the extension (.ps or .pdf).


1b. Please enter the url (doi) of where the publication resides. The url needs to begin with "http://" or "https://" to be parsed correctly. This is typically provided by the publisher for work where the copyright has been transfered.

2. Please enter your abstract. (This should be a text-only version, with all LaTeX formatting removed.) WARNING: Do not copy-and-paste from a PDF or a WYSIWYG word processor. If you do, your abstract will likely contain "smart-apostrophes". If there are any smart-apostrophes in your abstract, PHP will silently replace your abstract with null.

3. Please enter the bibtex for your publication. (Of course, you should test it in LaTeX first. If you submit disfunctional bibtex info, it might cost you citations.) Please put last names first. You must at least specify an author, title, and year.

4. Please enter the magic lab password that members of the lab know.

5. Press this button:

Delete a publication from the list

Note that this will only delete the link, abstract, and bibtex info from our list. It will not delete the corresponding document from our server. If you want to delete that too, you will have to do it manually.

1. Please enter the ID of the publication. (This is the number in square brackets on the left of the citation.) WARNING: I haven't given any thought to concurrency issues.

2. Please enter the magic lab password that members of the lab know.

3. Do you have a copy of this paper somewhere else? How about the bibtex info? Are you sure? Okay, then press this button:

Edit an abstract or bibtex entry

Note that this only lets you edit the entry in our publication list. If you want to change the document, you will need to manually replace the file on our server.

1. Please enter the ID of the publication. (This is the number in square brackets on the left of the citation.)

2. Press this button:

Replace a paper

This will replace an existing paper with the new one that you upload.

1. Please enter the ID of the publication. (This is the number in square brackets on the left of the citation.) WARNING: I haven't given any thought to concurrency issues.

2. Please select the new version of your manuscript. (Note that if your filename differs from the old one, then the old file will not be deleted, it will just be orphaned.)

3. Please enter the magic lab password that members of the lab know.

4. Press this button:

Maintenance instructions

Because our publication system does not worry about concurrency issues, it is possible for things to become messed up. If you suspect that has occurred, take a look at That file contains a log of all changes that were made. (This log file is generated by /var/www/receivenewpub.php. You might need to read that file to understand how to read the log file.) If things have indeed become messed up, then you may need to fix-up the /var/www/pubs.json file. (This file is basically our one-file database of publication info.) To edit it, run it through a JSON pretty-printer (there are several web-based on-line pretty-printers), then edit it with your favorite text editor.