7. Related Work

Distance functions are used in a variety of fields, including instance-based learning, neural networks, statistics, pattern recognition, and cognitive psychology (see Section 1 for references). Section 2 lists several commonly-used distance functions involving numeric attributes.

Normalization is often desirable when using a linear distance function such as Euclidean distance so that some attributes do not arbitrarily get more weight than others. Dividing by the range or standard deviation to normalize numerical attributes is common practice. Turney (1993; Turney & Halasz, 1993) investigated contextual normalization, in which the standard deviation and mean used for normalization of continuous attributes depend on the context in which the input vector was obtained. In this paper we do not attempt to use contextual normalization, but instead use simpler methods of normalizing continuous attributes, and then focus on how to normalize appropriately between continuous and nominal attributes.

The Value Distance Metric (VDM) was introduced by Stanfill & Waltz (1986). It uses attribute weights not used by the functions presented in this paper. The Modified Value Difference Metric (MVDM) (Cost & Salzberg, 1993; Rachlin et al., 1994) does not use attribute weights but instead uses instance weights. It is assumed that these systems use discretization (Lebowitz, 1985; Schlimmer, 1987) to handle continuous attributes.

Ventura (1995; Ventura & Martinez, 1995) explored a variety of discretization methods for use in systems that can use only discrete input attributes. He found that using discretization to preprocess data often degraded accuracy, and recommended that machine learning algorithms be designed to handle continuous attributes directly.

Ting (1994, 1996) used several different discretization techniques in conjunction with MVDM and IB1 (Aha, Kibler & Albert, 1991). His results showed improved generalization accuracy when using discretization. Discretization allowed his algorithm to use MVDM on all attributes instead of using a linear distance on continuous attributes, and thus avoided some of the normalization problems discussed above in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. In this paper, similar results can be seen in the slightly higher results of DVDM (which also discretizes continuous attributes and then uses VDM) when compared to HVDM (which uses linear distance on continuous attributes). In this paper, DVDM uses equal-width intervals for discretization, while Ting's algorithms make use of more advanced discretization techniques.

Domingos (1995) uses a heterogeneous distance function similar to HVDM in his RISE system, a hybrid rule and instance-based learning system. However, RISE uses a normalization scheme similar to "N1" in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, and does not square individual attribute distances.

Mohri & Tanaka (1994) use a statistical technique called Quantification Method II (QM2) to derive attribute weights, and present distance functions that can handle both nominal and continuous attributes. They transform nominal attributes with m values into m boolean attributes, only one of which is on at a time, so that weights for each attribute can actually correspond to individual attribute values in the original data.

Turney (1994) addresses cross-validation error and voting (i.e. using values of k > 1) in instance-based learning systems, and explores issues related to selecting the parameter k (i.e., number of neighbors used to decide on classification). In this paper we use k = 1 in order to focus attention on the distance functions themselves, but accuracy would be improved on some applications by using k > 1.

IVDM and WVDM use nonparametric density estimation techniques (Tapia & Thompson, 1978) in determining values of P for use in computing distances. Parzen windows (Parzen, 1962) and shifting histograms (Rosenblatt, 1956) are similar in concept to these techniques, especially to WVDM. These techniques often use gaussian kernels or other more advanced techniques instead of a fixed-sized sliding window. We have experimented with gaussian-weighted kernels as well but results were slightly worse than either WVDM or IVDM, perhaps because of increased overfitting.

This paper applies each distance function to the problem of classification, in which an input vector is mapped into a discrete output class. These distance functions could also be used in systems that perform regression (Atkeson, Moore & Schaal, 1996; Atkeson, 1989; Cleveland & Loader, 1994), in which the output is a real value, often interpolated from nearby points, as in kernel regression (Deng & Moore, 1995).

As mentioned in Section 6.2 and elsewhere, pruning techniques can be used to reduce the storage requirements of instance-based systems and improve classification speed. Several techniques have been introduced, including IB3 (Aha, Kibler & Albert, 1991; Aha, 1992), the condensed nearest neighbor rule (Hart, 1968), the reduced nearest neighbor rule (Gates, 1972), the selective nearest neighbor rule (Ritter et al., 1975), typical instance based learning algorithm (Zhang, 1992), prototype methods (Chang, 1974), hyperrectangle techniques (Salzberg, 1991; Wettschereck & Dietterich, 1995), rule-based techniques (Domingos, 1995), random mutation hill climbing (Skalak, 1994; Cameron-Jones, 1995) and others (Kibler & Aha, 1987; Tomek, 1976; Wilson, 1972).

Next: Section 8. Conclusions & Future Research Areas.

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